Artist in Residency

Open Call


During their residency, the artist lives in our partner hotel Superbude (Perspektivstraße 8, 1020 Vienna) in a fully furnished apartment with an art studio.
Open to:
artists living in Austria or neighboring countries, but outside Vienna and
who identify as Black, PoC or (post)migrant* or are refugees
Find additional information and all submission requirements in the documents below.

Application Deadline: April 10th, 2022
Additional information:
QM&A Artist Residency Open Call 2022 (English)
QM&A Artist Residency Open Call 2022 (Deutsch)


Selected artist 2022: Elena Rabkina


Elena Rabkina is a Belarusian photoartist, game designer and urban activist based in Odessa, Ukraine. In her works, Elena often tries to depict and document the immaterial story of things and places, pay attention to the small real-life details and explore an impersonating angle of urban development.
Most artworks tend to have a social commentary and affect the audience in terms of sensing something bigger, provoking attachments by looking at everyday things and turning the mundane into sacred and worthy.
During her residency she developed two projects that are detailed below.

Project 1: 14 Confessions to the City

The public art project 14 CONFESSIONS TO THE CITY is done in the form of an open diary. Coming as a new person to Vienna Elena has the luxury of being completely honest with the city, as it's always easier to talk to strangers. So she's placed around the city 14 confessions, as well as located the empty boards for others to confess. Being a Belarusian artist that lived in Ukraine before the war, Elena Rabkina speculates about going through this experience, politics, the charisma of Vienna and some accumulated insights. After the public exhibition on the streets of Vienna's 2nd district, the boards are to be collected and exhibited at Superbude on the 7th floor as a recurring exhibition. Guests of the hotel will have the opportunity to send in their confessions and once a month she wil reveal one new confession. This project explores the relationship between vulnerability and publicity and allows viewers to get a glimpse of the artist's refugee experience through self-reflection.

Project 2: Invisible People

"When I got to visit the employee cafeteria at Superbude - I was so impressed with the people there. There was such a diversity of cultures and ethnicities. There were people from countries I'd never met before, and everyone was so different and charismatic! So I decided to take a look behind the scenes at Superbude and pay my respects to the people who create it every day, as in most cases, staff and working immigrants remain unseen or fall into the blind spot."

The photo project "Invisible People" invites visitors in an interactive way to discover the staff behind the scenes of the hotel and speculates on the topic of diversity, inclusion and labour migration in the setting of the Austrian hotel industry.